If you’ve driven by Lake Drummond Baptist Church lately you, no doubt, have noticed a couple of buildings out by the parking lot and now set up to the left of our Fellowship Hall. We are enlarging our class room space for Sunday School classes and Awana Clubs. The growth at Lake Drummond has demanded that action take place to make room for the new classes starting and especially for our young people to have room to grow. What a wonderful challenge for our church to deal with . . . what to do for future growth? Our FATHER in heaven is doing a great and mighty work at Lake Drummond Baptist Church and through the guidance of HIS Holy Spirit I pray we continue to grow in HIS grace and stature. The Bible, GOD’s Holy Word, is preached without apology and is our standard for faith and practice. As this pastor has preached and ministered . . . as our deacons have ministered and reached out to their families . . . as our Sunday School teachers have led their classes through Bible study . . . as our Children’s Church leaders have been training our children and as our Awana leaders have been instructing our young people, the body of CHRIST has shown GOD’s love in action as the people are responding to HIS teaching and gravitating to become a part of HIS church with CHRIST as the head. We are not perfect and never claimed to be but we can introduce you to the perfect ONE and pray that you will respond to HIS message positively that you may know that you have eternal life. Thanks to all who are praying and lifting up the ministry here at Lake Drummond. The throngs of people greeting us in heaven will, no doubt, show in eternity come that the work done here was well worth it. Will you come to be a part of this dynamic ministry?
What are the Two Buildings for?
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