My wife, Geri, and I got back from a 9 day trip to Israel on March 16th. I know it’s been a while since we got back but the trip is still sinking in. I called my pastor and asked him if he could fill the pulpit for me while I was gone. When I told him where I was going . . . he got so excited it became contagious. I was almost giddy with him by the time we had hung up the phone. He told me that the trip to Israel would add hills and valleys to my Bible study. Wow, was he ever right! I can’t preach a message without drawing from the experience of walking where Abraham took his son, Isaac, to Mount Moriah, or seeing the field where David defeated Goliath or walking where Jesus walked!
Today we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord Jesus from the tomb in the garden with a “Son” rise Service at 6:30 am, an 8:30 am Praise and Worship Service and an 11:00 am Traditional Service. The pinnacle of the Christian faith . . . the resurrection from the grave of the Son of God is the culmination of the Gospel message! If Jesus had died on the cross and was buried, that would have ended His story right there. But the story does not end there. Three days later, He arose from the grave! The resurrection is our reason for hope and the edification of the Gospel message we share with those we come in contact with! 1 Corinthians 15:19-20 says, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.” We have the promise from the Son of God that He would die for our sins to pay the penalty we could not pay to redeem us to Himself. His angels shared His promise in Luke 24:6b-7 when they said, “. . . remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.”
Today we celebrate what took place on the third day! And I cannot help but go back to that day I walked into the tomb in the garden. I looked around and just tried to take in the fact that this may be the very spot where my Lord was laid after giving His life that I may live. When I turned and walked out of the tomb, I thought of the words from Luke 24: 5b-6a as the angels said, “. . . Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen . . .”
The message hasn’t changed! He is not in the grave . . . He is risen! Thanks be to God that He kept His Word. He keeps His Word and He will continue to keep His Word! We have a message to share. Jesus Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! Share this fact with everyone you come in contact with! Live your life for Him! Know beyond your wildest dreams that He loves you, died for you and lives at the right hand of the Father for you. He will never leave you nor forsake you and one day, and that day may be soon, He’s coming to get His church and bring us home! Seven years later, Jesus will come to earth and His feet will hit the Mount of Olives and the earth will split in an earthquake!
We saw this Olivet Mount during our trip also and I’ve got to tell you, I can’t wait to see all of this come to pass. As followers of Jesus we have been given the Great Commission from our Lord and Saviour in Matthew 28:18-20, “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
Well, what are we waiting for? Go.